Daddy's little girl
Growing up I spent most of my summers at the Renner baseball diamond. I loved catching foul balls, running around the park, and eating peanuts. Although my days at the ball park have become less frequent I still love to watch and hear about my father’s baseball adventures. He has a whole group of baseball players that I think he and I would consider family.
My father and his baseball family headed down to sunny Florida to participate in their annual baseball world series. Not only am I jealous that he's in Paradise but I'm also extremely proud. He has never stopped playing the game of baseball and it’s something I without a doubt admire. It’s amazing to watch someone have such a strong passion for a sport.
I don’t know if my father realizes the impact he has made on so many young boys lives. He has giving countless young bucks the opportunity to play this game he so loves. By sharing with others his passion he was able to become a mentor and a friend to so many others. So no matter the results of this tournament, I want him to know how remarkable he is! And I will always be his little girl!
My dad rockin’ his SD Rushmore attire cerca 1980 something! What a babe!